Signature Serie

Bb trumpet“Timmy Trumpet”

“I have been playing trumpet since I was old enough to hold the thing. My father taught me, and his father, him. After 20 yea


Bohrung: 11,68 mm
Mundrohr: Goldbrass
Schallstück: 123 mm / Goldbrass
Innenzüge: Yellowbrass
Aussenzüge: Nickelsilver

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  • “I have been playing trumpet since I was old enough to hold the thing. My father taught me, and his father, him. After 20 years playing this beautiful instrument things were getting serious. So one day I sat in the largest music store I could find and had the sales clerk bring me every trumpet they had. I tested every make and every model, not wanting to know the label or manufacturer. This is the trumpet I chose – Schagerl Modell T-2000 – and I have been playing it every day since for over a decade.

    Some things have changed. Schagerl have added my signature logo, and together we custom designed a new colorway that compliments the modern stage. This is an instrument that was never meant to blend in and settle amongst its backdrop. Its superb warmth cuts, carves and chisels its mark in any arrangement just like the people who dare to play it.

    This trumpet has taken me places I never could never possibly dream. And now I pass it on to you my friend. Let it take you where you dare to go and share this thing we are so blessed to call music! Peace, love and rock n roll.  – Timmy Trumpet
